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L.E.R. is a T. pachanoi clone short for Legendary Ethnobotanical Resource.

Photo via: u/brocephas
Species: T. pachanoi
Source: Lou Reisgo - Ethnobotanical Resources
Location: N/A
Date: N/A


LER stands for Ethnobotanical Resources, it was the first online Ethnobotanical store, it was RUn by Lou Reisgo, (or Lama Kunga CHoedak) I lived there, with 6 other people in the 90's and 2000s. We had access to the best strains of cactus, herbs, flowers, etc. It was a bunch of utopian, Buddhist quasi hippies junkies trying to live in a community selling ethnobotanical wares. Went well for a while, then went downhill. it was mad fun tho. I still; have LER Pachanoi and Peruvianus from the vaults.



L.E.R. has classic pachanoi characteristics. Green epidermis and short (but sometimes longer than other pachs) spines.